Like many businesses, Grant's staff had dabbled in Teams and saved some files in OneDrive, but primarily, they were emailing files and data between offices and trying to recall which files were the most current.
Some staff were initially reticent to take on more technology, due to the perception of a steep learning curve.
AP Logic conducted a workshop with Grant's leadership, familiarizing them with Teams. Architecture of the new file system matched the actual workflow of estimating, bidding and on-site construction.
Grant now operates a fully-modern-office operation. No VPNs, no file servers, no lost papers, no confusion - well, not much confusion. Everything is in Teams and just about always up to date.
"I went from someone who ‘just wasn’t a tech guy’ to feeling fully at ease with the new digital workflow. The transformation not only saved us time and eliminated errors, it also completely reshaped how I view technology’s role in our day-to-day operations."
- Randy DiFrancesco, Field Operations Manager